11 Oct Katja Wolthers’ Drive to Work on Animal-Free Innovation
On the 3rd of October, our coordinator, Katja Wolthers was featured on an edition of Drijfveren, a recurring section in the website of Proefdiervrij (the Dutch Society for the Replacement of Animal Testing (DsRAT). In this article, Katja spoke about her run-up to working with human organoids (mini-organs in a petri-dish), the advantages of working with organoids for human virus research and how she is now using them to study viruses that mainly affect young children.
DsRAT is one of the 15 partners involved in the OrganoVIR consortium. Drijveren is a section that features different scientists and focuses on what motivates them to develop animal-free alternatives.
This is not the first time Katja has spoken about her passion for working with organoids. On the 25th of August 2022, Katja was also featured on the podcast of Proefdiervrij in which she talked about the developments made in the past years regarding animal-free innovation. This podcast is available on the website and SoundCloud account of Proefdiervrij.
Click on the button below to read Katja’s feature article in Drijveren:
read the full article