13 Dec Discovering the Differences Between Parechovirus Genotypes A1 and A3
Human parechovirus (PeV-A) is known to cause diseases in humans. This group of viruses is very common, and there are several different types. Such as PeV-A1, often associated with mild gastrointestinal diseases in young children. On the other hand, PeV-A3 causes severe diseases with neurological symptoms in neonates. Since PeV-A is detectable in stool and nasopharyngeal samples, it is speculated that PeV-A enters the human body through the respiratory and gastro-intestinal routes.
In a recent publication titled Parechovirus A Infection of the Intestinal Epithelium: Differences Between Genotypes A1 and A3, our PhD student Inés García-Rodriguez categorized PeV-A1 and PeV-A3 replication and tropism in the intestinal epithelium using a 2D model based on human fetal enteroids. Through her research, Ines was able to detect a difference in cell tropism, which may explain the difference in replication kinetics and associated disease in humans. Click on the button below to unveil the differences between Parechovirus Genotypes A1 and A3.
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Click here to see another article about Parechovirus by our ESR, Fatma Masmoudi.