For OrganoVIR’s Personal Developmental Programme BeyondU, Ingrid Valks interviewed project manager Angelica Reitsma. During the interview Ingrid asked about Angelica's life during the COVID-19 pandemic and the impact of COVID-19 on Angelica's passions. Read the full interview on the OrganoVIR website.  ...

Coordinator Dasja Pajkrt and partner Juan Hou from STEMCELL Technologies both attended the Keystone Symposia: Tissue Organoids as Models of Host Physiology and Pathophysiology of Diseases Conference in Vancouver. At the conference, Dasja gave a presentation on the use of human organoids to study Picornavirus...

For OrganoVIR’s Personal Developmental Programme BeyondU, Ingrid Valks interviewed coordinator Katja Wolthers. During the interview Ingrid asked about Katja’s life, her passion for virology and the importance of soft skills in the world of science. Read the full interview on the OrganoVIR website.  ...

The thesis “electrical and microfluidic technologies for organs-on-chips: mimicking blood-brain barrier and gut tissues” was written by Marinke van der Helm. The goal of the research presented in Marinke’s thesis is to develop new technologies for organs-on-chips to enable direct measurements of cell layer functions...

As a part of OrganoVIR's Personal Developmental Plan, Ingrid Valks interviews Dasja Pajkrt about her background and her passions and ambitions in life....

Director Katja Wolthers travelled to Cardiff, together with Adithya Sridhar, postdoc scientist, and Hetty van Eijk, expert in virus culturing, to attend the “Advances in Cell and Tissue Culture” conference (ACTC 2019)....

On the 24th of April 2019, Organovir attended a special gathering in Utrecht on the World Day for Laboratory Animals, which was organised by the Dutch Society for the Replacement of Animal Testing. For this gathering, different scientists came together to share their stories on...